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Marketing Renovation

Renovate: restore or make new, reinvigorate, refresh or revive.

Now is the time to renovate your marketing strategies. By renovating your marketing strategies you will be investing in your future, making the most of the current economy and bringing in more revenue than your competitors.

Many businesses are cutting back on marketing due to the economy. They look at the budget and feel that marketing is a good place to cut. I believe this is the worst thing we can do as business owners during a tough economy. We need to be out in front of our clients now more than ever! In a good economy there is enough for all of us and sometimes it comes without much effort on our part. But in a tough economy, when people are carefully deliberating on each and every purchase – we can not afford to hide. We must be out in front of our clients and potential clients.

If we are not out in front of our target market – you can bet your competitors will be. But marketing does not have to look like what it has in the past. By taking on a marketing renovation project, you look at what is working, what can be cut and determine how you can use more low-cost or no-cost marketing solutions.

A marketing renovation isn’t about starting over – it’s about keeping what works, getting rid of what doesn’t and adding a few new pieces that will work better. It’s about refreshing or reinvigorating your current strategies to make them more effective and in the end bring in more revenue.

Our goal with marketing must be to stay in front of our target market consistently and effectively. We must stand out from our competition by sharing what makes us unique and by telling potential clients why they will benefit from working with us.

Now is the time to Renovate Your Marketing. Now is the time to be committed to growing your business. To making the changes needed to survive this economy. And to bring in more revenue. Now is the perfect time to renovate.

For more information about marketing renovation, contact Michelle at 207-847-3438 or e-mail

Source by Michelle Neujahr

marketing, small business marketing